Saturday, January 24, 2015

Happy Birthday Daddy!!!

Happy Birthday to my main man and best Daddy in the world! I thank g-d everyday for sending me such an incredible man to share this road of life with. We celebrated Mike's birthday early last weekend in Flagstaff and then continued the birthday celebration on his actual birthday. Where else but at our favorite sushi place....
Here are some from our week of birthday celebrations and a few others of my favorites... 



Birthday Celebrations In Flagstaff...

We spent MLK weekend in Flagstaff celebrating Mike and Renae's birthdays. It was a perfect excuse to getaway for the weekend and stay at my friend Kim's beautiful home. The weather was perfect, the food was yummy and the company was great!

We spent a good part of the weekend relaxing, but did manage to get out on Saturday and have some fun in the snow. The kids sled, had a snowball fight with the adults and then completed the afternoon with a Snowman challenge amongst the families.

On Sunday the girls snuck away and got pedis for Renae's birthday. It was an experience and we laughed the entire time. Great memories! We then headed back to the house and watched Football with the guys and enjoyed another great night together. It was a wonderful weekend with great friends. We can't wait to do it again...