Wednesday, March 31, 2010

San Diego Trip

We had such a great trip a few weeks ago when we went back to San Diego. It was a much needed week away for all of us. We spent quality family time together and enjoyed visiting with family and friends.

The trip was really not planned and came together last minute. Caroline had mentioned she was taking the kids to SD for the week and then I realized I was also off, so we decided to all make the trip together. The kids really have a great time together, especially since Caroline lived with us over last summer while her house was being built, so the kids love anytime they get to spend in length with each other. They are such best friends, all four of them! Too cute...

It's kind of funny, I guess I have been away from SD for too long (5 1/2 years), because I packed like I was going to the east coast during the winter. I figured cold mornings and nights and warm days, but it's SD so it will be breezy so I packed jackets, and jeans and thought I did good. Nope, it was so warm while we were there that I found myself in Kohls and Target picking up bathing suits and shorts for my kiddos. Hello Stefanie, you live in Phoenix, drawers are full of shorts and bathings suits and I had to go out and buy new ones... Oh well, I guess I would rather of had to do that, than have cold, rainy weather, right?

Here are a few of our many pictures from our fun week!

Jayden enjoying the perfect beach day.

J & J posing for their Mommy. Too cute!

You have to understand, Jayden hates anything on his face, so when he agreed to get his face painted we jumped on the opportunity. Whatever the cost.. :)

Grandma and Jordy

Jayden and Hailey getting ready for the Shamu Show

Perfect blue skys....

Mike and I took the boys to the top of Mt. Soledad, and Jayden thought it was SO cool...

Enjoying dinner with Mike's family... What a great night!

The J & J boys enjoying breakfast. It is their favorite meal of the day....

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Happy 6th Birthday Jayden!

This adorable, sweet, caring, loving, articulate, amazing, smart big boy turned six!

Six years ago on February 21st at 12:17 AM, Jayden Allan Callison finally came into our world! My world has NEVER been the same since. I know it is not surprising to you all that I am almost three weeks late for this post. Actually, I think that time frame is better than in the past... :)

Jayden is such a terrific kid. He is always making sure that Jordy is right behind him and not being left out of any situation. Jayden is in Kindergarten and is learning so many different things. He is doing addition and subtraction, reading beginner books and is such a great student in class. All the teachers tell me he is such a sweet kid.

These days Jayden is into anything that has Superheros in it's name. He loves wearing Iron Man or Spiderman shirts ( I told myself I would NEVER let my kids wear shirts with characters on them), but other things happen I guess. He loves to get on the computer, and log into his "kid" friendly web-sites or just search google for something new he learned at school. He really amazes me.

On Jayden's birthday we had a great family day. We started out letting Jayden pick out something at Toys R' Us, (I was not too sure how that was going to go), but it was okay. Then we headed over to Benihana's (Jayden's choice). He wanted to go where they cook "on" the table... After that, we could not finish the night off without having a birthday cake, so we stopped over at Nana's and celebrated.