Saturday, June 12, 2010

Girl's Night Out

One of my favorite things is hanging out with my friends. I love looking forward to getting out with the girls and planning where our next night will be at. A group of us try to go out monthly and just catch up, and usually a birthday celebration is in the mix at some point. Last night we went out to Kona Grill to celebrate my friend Ami's birthday, it was wonderful. The food was yummy, the French Martini was perfect and the company is always great!

I am such a foodie and love restaurants??? What are your favorites??? Where should I try next???

Happy Birthday Ami!

Swimming Lessons, Take Four!

So, as this summer approached I was determined to get Jayden swimming. We have tried Lifetime Fitness, semi-private lessons, and Aspire and nothing has taught him how to swim. I heard about the swim program at Gilbert Recreation through a few friends, so I was hopeful that we would finally have success. The program is broken down into two week sessions (eight classes) and it is everyday, which is exactly what Jayden needed. The repetition....

I am very happy to report that we just completed our first two week session and Jayden is doing awesome! Now, if I can just get Jayden to swim with me the way he swims with his counselor we will be great. We are starting our second session this week and I am hoping for even more success. It's a great program, check it out at

Check out Jayden below having a great time!

Playing Around....

Some of the best times I have with the boys is at bath time. Jayden loves to pretend he is shaving and lathers up his whole face and them screams for me to come and look. So even though it is most likely the hundredth time I have seen it, I run over and act as if it is the first! I get the best belly laughs out of one of my favorite guys and then we continue on.... I hope to remember these fun times forever....

Friday, June 11, 2010

A New Love......

As most of you know I love to follow all of my Blog's. This is one of the main reason's that I finally decided to make one of my own last year. So, thanks to one of the gal's that I follow, I tried a new drink with her recommendation and I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Vanilla Diet Coke at Sonic. I find on my way home from summer camp with the boys, I am asking them if they want to stop for a treat and selfishly it's for me.... The best part is, Sonic has a daily Happy Hour from 2-4 so my new favorite drink is half price....

Try it out if you have time and let me know what you think... This momma love's it!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Ivy's Wedding and a Great Evening Out....

DISCLAIMER: My computer is not co-operating with me or it's that I am not feeling too well tonight, but I could not get these pictures in the order I wanted.. So, sorry! Enjoy anyway...

We had a great night out at The Scottsdale Resort and Conference Center celebrating Ivy's and Larry's wedding. The venue was beautiful, the bride was radiant, the food was yummy, and the company was fabulous! We enjoyed the evening with Shanti and Al. We all got dressed up and were able to have conversations without being interrupted by litte ones! It was a great night and we were so happy to share such a wonderful occasion with Ivy and Larry. Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Lesser!