Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy 7th Birthday Jayden......

Is it really possible that this sweet boy is seven today??? I will never forget the moment I found out I was pregnant and how I couldn't even wait to tell Mike, so of course my Mom knew first. It was one of the best times in my life. I couldn't wait to be a MOM... There is nothing else in this world that I wanted to do more and when I finally had him in my arms if felt AMAZING.... I still feel that way when I look at his bright blue eyes and thank G-D everyday for him.

Jayden is the most gentle, tender, compassionate, and caring boy. He is in love with Superheros, Wii, and the computer. He recently learned how to ride a two-wheeler and LOVES to be with his friends. Jayden is in first grade and is doing terrific. This was a big year, because we transitioned him from the East Valley Day School to Islands Elementary and he adjusted so well. He loves his school and has met some great kids.

I can't wait to get home and make Porkchops, which he requested. Jayden, you are the light in my life and Daddy and I love you so much! Happy birthday sweet boy!

Friday, February 11, 2011

We Will Never Forget Grandma Annie...

A few weeks ago my families life changed forever when Grandma Annie passed away. She suffered for the past four years and then the last few weeks started having some falls, which led to her breaking her hip. The struggle of knowing she would now be bedridden and her weakened body, is what I feel finally led to her passing.

I'm not sure how I knew, but when I saw her that last Thursday in bed so peacefully at Hospice, I knew it would be my last time. She looked so content and calm and I knew in my heart this was the end for her. As I went to bed, with my phone in hand, it seemed only minutes when the phone rang and Lisa told me Grandma passed away. Grandma lived a very good life for eighty-eight years. She desperatley missed my Grandpa who passed away fourteen years ago.

Luckily, Grandma still shared the love of the casino as well as my sweet boys who were her only two Great Grandsons. I will forever be thankful that she got to see them and know them. J & J both put the biggest smiles on her face. The two pictures below are from my birthday last May, one with Jayden and one with myself. The last two really good pictures of Grandma with lipstick on and all... The Callison/Marcus/Katzen/Potter girls always have their lipstick on.... She loved the picture of the two of them so much that I framed it and put it in her room.

All the wonderful memories will help us heal, and rembering her laugh when Jordy played his guitar for her will be in my mind forever.