If you know me well you know I like love my birthday. So, the thought of being laid up on my back with the Flu and Bronchitis on my birthday would be pretty bad awful for me and that is exactly what happened this year. Let me back up a week and explain. We went to Flagstaff with J-crew on Memorial Day and had an amazing time, but unfortunately four days in a cabin with three families and to many kids left my family with too many GERMs...... When we got home from Flagstaff my poor family started dropping like flies. It started with Mike, then me, and finally made its way to Jayden. So, on my most favorite day I was sick in bed. My birthday and birthday weekend was filled with temperature, coughing, aches, and the full on flu. After a week of all of us being sick, I was finally able to celebrate with my girlie's.
I am so lucky to have such great friends in my life. I count on my girlfriends a lot and I know that they are always there for me. It is so wonderful to be able to share good times together. We all are busy but it was so wonderful to put the "mommy hat" on the shelf and go out and have a good time. It wouldn't be a celebration without some Sushi and Saki, so that is exactly what we did.
Hello 38.........
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