Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgving 2012 and More...

It has been a wonderful week at The Callison's. I took a very NEEDED five days off of work and Mike is on vacation as well. We had a wonderful Thanksgving at my house and the rest of the time has been spent lounging around. Oh, wait did I forget the main attration - Black Friday!!!!! This year Shanti decided to join the crazieness and she went with Mike and I at 10pm and lasted till about 2AM. Mike and I decided we needed more so we went back out till 4AM. This year was harder since we didn't have a main item for Jordy, so we got small stuff for Hanuakkah for each of them.

                          Shanti and I waiting in front of Old Navy at midnight!
                                         Lisa with her stalk of Brussel Sprouts!
                                                Jayden FINALLY lost a top tooth...

                                                  Inside-Out Caramel Apples....

                                     A new Sweet Potato Pie recipe... Yummo!

                                 Brussel Sprouts with Pancetta and Balsamic Reduction...

                                We celebrated Nana's birthday at Charleston's!

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