Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day 2013.....

We had a really nice and relaxing Father's Day. Mike slept in and the boys and I laid around and relaxed until we had to leave for our brunch reservation at Bernard's - Ocotillo Golf Course. It was a really pretty golf course with a nice view from the restaurant. Since we are now in the "heat" of the Summer we were admiring the view from inside. After Brunch we headed home and Mike got comfy watching some Golf and the boys and I headed over to a neighbors to cool off in the pool. Oh - how it is time to get a pool. I am more than ready for one.

We grilled some Steaks for dinner and now we are getting ready for another fun filled week of Summer. Jordy is starting a Theatre camp this week which he is very excited about and Jayden will go to VIK and Pecos Camp. Lucky kids.....

Here are a few pictures from our day!

Feeling very blessed....

It's Fathers Day, and I'm having a hard time fighting back the tears today. So many wonderful memories of my Dad mixed with the sadness that he never got to meet J & J. As much as he doted on me, he would of adored those two boys. But then on the other hand I think about the wonderful Husband and Father-in-law I have. Mike is the most patient, caring, loving and amazing husband and father anyone could ask for. His tenderness and thoughtfulness are two of my favorite characteristics about him. I guess when my Dad told him on our wedding day that he needed to take care of me, he took those words very seriously. He has done an amazing job at caring for the three of us.

We are going to Brunch at Bernards which is on a Golf Course in Chandler. I wanted to take Mike to one of his favorite places, and that is on the golf curse. We will enjoy the day with the best Dad and honor the memory of my Dad. We will remember the old times while making new memories.

I will post some pictures later today to show our day. I also have many other pictures to update. I am just feeling very blessed today and wanted to get some thoughts on my blog....