Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day 2013.....

We had a really nice and relaxing Father's Day. Mike slept in and the boys and I laid around and relaxed until we had to leave for our brunch reservation at Bernard's - Ocotillo Golf Course. It was a really pretty golf course with a nice view from the restaurant. Since we are now in the "heat" of the Summer we were admiring the view from inside. After Brunch we headed home and Mike got comfy watching some Golf and the boys and I headed over to a neighbors to cool off in the pool. Oh - how it is time to get a pool. I am more than ready for one.

We grilled some Steaks for dinner and now we are getting ready for another fun filled week of Summer. Jordy is starting a Theatre camp this week which he is very excited about and Jayden will go to VIK and Pecos Camp. Lucky kids.....

Here are a few pictures from our day!

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