Friday, December 20, 2013

J-Crew, Soccer and The Loves In My Life...

Wow! Time just flies by. Here in Arizona we push the Summer's away because it is SO hot and before you know it the holidays are here. A few random things that I wanted to post about.
 I love that even though life is so crazy every month Mike and I get together with this great group of friends. We have many great friends in our life, we are very blessed, but we have been through a lot with the J -Crew. 

 This kiddo is the best! He is playing Soccer for his fourth year and is doing so well. I think I really needed to post this picture so I never forget these bright yellow/orange kleets. Jayden had his Daddy running to three different stores to find the perfect ones.
Family picture day!!!! When I say I love these three, it's like my heart comes out of my chest. I remember the moment I met Mike and fell in love, looked at Jayden for the first time and knew I was forever in love and held Jordan and fell in love with him. Being a wife and mother is all I ever wanted. Every year we take these pictures and add to the memories. I am beyond lucky to be the wife of Mike Callison and the mother to Jayden and Jordan. Just SO blessed!!!!

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