Sunday, December 28, 2014

Christmas Morning/Day....2014

I was not sure how early J & J would be up this year, but the magic time was 6:30.... Mike and I tried to get another hour in, but we could hear their excitement so we came downstairs to get the festivities started.

I decided to try a recipe from my friend Shannon so we would have something yummy to eat in the morning. It was Butterscotch Sticky Buns and oh my they were good. I prepared it the night before and then they were ready to go into  the oven for thirty minutes and then oh my goodness. We will definitely be making them again.

The boys were very excited with all their presents and the best part was that Mike did not have to build anything this year. Jayden got an iPhone 5S from and Jordan got an Electrical Guitar. This Momma wasn't sure about the phone, but after talking through it with Mike we felt he was ready for it. The boys walk to the bus stop together in the morning, so it makes me feel better for Jayden to have a way to reach us. Jayden will also be heading to SD in January for his Oceanography trip so I wanted him to have it for that as well. An iPhone at 10.... Spoiled!!!!

We enjoyed a very relaxing day of eating, hanging on the couch and watching movies together.. My Mom came over around 3 and brought over a Honey Baked Ham. She even made that a quick trip since Tom was home not feeling well still. We had a casual dinner and might of even snuck a nap in.

Time to get the house organized and get ready for our NYE Bash!!!!

                                             Butterscotch Sticky Buns
                                                          Jayden's Football Poster
                                                      Jayden and his iPhone
The annual picture with Jaydens presents
Jordan in action
Jordan and his presents

                                                         I Love It!!!!
                                            Hanging with Daddy and building Legos

Christmas Eve 2014....

We had a great Christmas Eve with family and friends. This year we had the Tannenbaum's over to celebrate Christmas Eve with us. Marla is a foodie like me and she made the most adorable Sushi Christmas Tree. It looked so pretty and tasted even better. We had a few other yummy appetizers and then our traditional Prime Rib dinner. It was a great night and the kid were so excited to go to bed for Santa to arrive. The only thing missing was Tom since he was feeling under the weather.
 My Favorites.
                                                      Mommy and J & J
                                                               Me and Nana
                                             The girls and the classic kitchen pose.
                                                            Nana and her boys
                                                              Me and Marla
The cute foursome...
                                                        Sushi Christmas Tree... Yummo!
                                                                     Salami Roll Ups
Classic Shrimp Cocktail
Our Table
Sparklers to End the Night...

Sunday, December 21, 2014

December Has Arrived, and Its Almost Over...

I can't believe it is December 21st and Christmas is four days away. Where has this year gone??? Its been a year full of transition, both professionally and personally. I am ready to ring in 2015 with a bang and start fresh with new goals and desires for the upcoming year.
We have had so many fun times over the last month and since I'm not the best at posts (because I have so much time on my hands ;) I thought I would recap the month so far. We ended November with a great Thanksgiving at Carolines house with both of our families. The food was delish, the company was great and the memories are always the BEST!
Then it was time to get the tree and get it decorated. I actually sat back this year and let J & J do all the decorating. Usually after they put up the ornaments I rearrange everything, but this year I just left it be. I thought they did a pretty good job and sitting on the couch with a glass of wine was perfect at the time. We also celebrated Lisa's birthday in early December. She has been raving about this yummy restaurant with Oysters and a great Happy hour so we had to check it out. She was right, it was delish!
Mike finished another successful season coaching Soccer for both J &J. Yes, you did hear me correctly, he coached both of them, with two practices per week as well as two games. He is one hell of a Dad. Jayden loves Soccer but Jordan did not fall in love with it the same way. So, Mike will be back for the Winter season, but will only be coaching Jayden this time. Thank goodness.... Not sure Mike could keep up with that schedule.
We are on our fifth night of Hanukkah and the boys are loving every minute of it. I get very overwhelmed when Hanukkah and Christmas overlap each other like they do this year. I continued my annual tradition and went into Jayden's classroom to talk about Hanukkah and share the Dreidal game and some goodies. Jordan really wanted me to come to his class too, but this year I just sent in some goodies for the kids. 
Its so fun watching them light the candles each night and listen as they both recite the prayer in Hebrew. It melts my heart... We had a fun Hanukkah party at the Lindstroms this weekend with all the kids They have hosted for the last three years and the kids have a blast, Unfortunately, the night got the best of Jordan and we made it an early night. Sometimes the fun is just too much.
I am now on vacation through Christmas and will enjoy every minute of it. I have been baking up a storm and now preparing for our Christmas Eve dinner. Looking forward to some quality family time, yummy food, friends and our annual NYE bash.... So much more to fit in before December ends.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

A Whole Lot of Catching Up...

Today, I'm writing from Pinetop, AZ all snuggled up on the couch in a warm blanket. The sun is shining and the lake is beautiful outside the window.  It's our 2nd year of renting this great cabin and enjoying some well deserved R & R.

Life has been very busy, but great. The boys have a crazy schedule with School, Soccer, Hebrew, Oceanography club as well as a Spelling Bee and Battle of the Books. Mike and I are so proud of how J & J are doing in school as well as all the extra activities that they are in. Mike is amazing at running the boys all over the place and helping with everything at home. 2014 has been a crazy year for me professionally, and if Mike was not by my side I'm not sure I would be sane right now. I'm hoping that all the work challenges payoff and this can end as a success.

We have enjoyed some great times over the past six months with a SD trip for Jordan's 7th birthday, a trip to Lake Powell to visit Mom and Tom, our Annual Halloween Driveway Bash, and more recently sharing Thanksgiving with my besties family. In all the chaos, it's these special times that make me smile and add more memories.

I'm looking forward to decorating the house, baking with the boys, celebrating Hanukkah and Christmas, and getting ready for our annual NYE party. It's all about traditions and the memories we make. I sure love my favorites and couldn't imagine life any other way.