Thursday, August 27, 2009


I have been thinking the last few days that I need to make a post. Then I was wondering what life event should I write about and the subject was myself! I don't usually think to write about myself, I use it more to journal about the boys, but I think this one deserves a post.

Since September 25, 2008, (I will never forget the date), when Chase bought my beloved Wamu, my job has been up in the air. It has been transition after transition with no defined answers along this very long journey. We were told we would all have jobs but I felt no guarantee. In February my old branch transitioned into the Chase branch and I have been hoping and praying that they would "love" me enough to have a position for me. I have been working more hours, learning as much as I can, but still not sure where this road would lead me. Two weeks ago, for the first time in this journey, I was told that some decisions had been made and they wanted to talk to me. The outcome was not in my favor. My current position is now obsolete and the position they offered me (that I wanted) had one downfall, it came with a huge pay cut. I left this meeting feeling saddened, and felt that my sixteen years of loyalty meant nothing.

Finally, on Monday I saw the silver lining in this very long journey. I was called into another meeting and told that since my position is obsolete, my Regional Manager found out that they cannot decrease my pay, so they would like to offer me the original position if I still wanted it. YEAH! So, not only do I get to continue working in the branch I am at, which is five minutes from my house I will also maintain my 30 hours per week.

Goodbye WaMu, hello Chase! ......... I will always be a Wamulian at heart...


  1. Aww! Im so glad that worked out so well. They would be so dumb to let you go or decrease your pay after all the years and knowledge you have. What will your position be now? We still need to get together cause Im sure there is a lot more to catch up on. Tell Lisa hello for me :)

  2. Oh great!! I'm glad this happened for you. You deserve the great news! XOXO, Kimmi

  3. Stef, I am so happy to hear! The twist in the story is really interesting. You deserve it a good stroke of luck and happiness.
    We need to catch up!
