Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Jayden's First Day Of Kindergarten ...

Jayden & Hailey together on the first day of Kindergarten

Jayden showing off his new Spiderman backpack...

Well, it finally happened, my baby grew up and went to his first day of Kindergarten. He was all ready with his new outfit, shoes, backpack, and lunchbox. I have to say he looked pretty sharp as he walked into the JCC to start his Kindergarten school year. He already asked me, how much longer do I have to go to school for, and I told him until he get's as big as Uncle Sean.... Not sure how long he thinks that is, but that will keep him thinking.

One of the best parts of Jayden's first day of Kindergarten was that he got to share it with his best friend Hailey. Hailey is Caroline's daughter and it just so happens, they are moving to Phoenix but while their house is being built they are staying with us. So, even though Jayden and Hailey are not going to the same school, they got to get ready together and were able to talk in person about their BIG first days.... I am so glad they will be able to live close to each other and have such wonderful memories to share together.
I will keep you all posted as the school year progress's... For now, I am going to try and relax for a little while before it all starts over again bright and early!


  1. such cute pictures of Jayden and Hailey! Hes getting sooo big!!!!! I remember when he was a lil guy now hes going to kindergarden!!! YIKES! haha Hope your enjoying your lil stay at home vaca and that taking care of Mike is keeping you entertained!

  2. so cute stef! I can't believe they really did it! All day!
    We need to get the boys together to burn the afternoon energy! My house is so peaceful and quiet during the school hours, it feels like 3 kids are missing rather than just Jake! But when he comes home, WHOA! We do better when busy!
