Friday, October 9, 2009

Girl Power...

It's has been a while since I posted, so I thought an event from this week would be the perfect opportunity to do so. I am in a Bunco group, but it's kind of funny because we never have enough girls to play, so it has actually turned into a girls night of eating, chatting and drinking some wine. Last month Bunco was at my house and we had some new additions to the Bunco group, so this week two of our new gals hosted and it was terrific! Kari, graciously volunteered her beautiful home without really even knowing anyone. Kari is participating in the 3 Day Breast Cancer Walk in November, so she and Caroline thought it would be fun to host Bunco with a "Pink Theme" and asked everyone to dress in their shades of pink.

The night turned out fabulous to say the least. A mild fall Arizona night, tables set with pink table clothes, while pink roses were beautifully displayed on each table, the fireplace burning and just a great group of gals. New and old friends all coming together for a great cause. Some inspiring stories and conversations were shared about how we all need to be advocates for ourselves and make sure as mom's we don't forget about those yearly appointments!

Thanks ladies for a great night, and to Kari and Caroline for hosting a wonderful "Bunco" night! Oh, and Kari you are quite the baker... Yummo! Looking forward to many more fun nights, and who knows maybe even a little Bunco sometime! Enjoy the photos!

Hostess's for the evening: Caroline & Kari

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