Friday, October 9, 2009

Balloon Festival For Daddy and Jayden

Mike has been wanting to go to New Mexico for the last few years to see the Balloon Festival, but something always seems to come up and we never go. So, a few weeks ago Mike mentioned that he wanted to take Jayden on a drive to the Balloon Festival and spend some quality time together. So, they did!

It was actually a very strange weekend at home for me. I am used to Mike being gone or sleeping, but all weekend I kept feeling like I was missing something, it was my Jayden! They both had a great time together, from the car-ride, to getting up early and watching all the balloons go up. Mike enjoyed just having some one-on-one time with his little man.

I can't believe my Jayden is getting big enough to go away on weekend trips without his mommy! I guess Daddy did just fine..... I am glad you both had a great time together.....

1 comment:

  1. Jayden is getting soooo big!!!
    Looks like they had fun together. I havent even heard of this until you were telling me about it.
