Saturday, April 24, 2010

My Roots...

I have always wanted to get pesonlized license plates, but have never found the write saying to layout for everyone to see. On our recent car ride to San Diego, Mike spent time helping me figure out what I wanted it to say. As most of you know, I am an east coast girl at heart, and my New Jersey childhood holds many memories for me.... SO, I knew I wanted something that reflected who I am, and after many trys this is what I finally came up with.... Ready!

Seriously, I did not know how many people loved NJ or were from there... You can't believe how many trys it took to come up with JRSIGAL!

I hope my boys will have as many terrific childhood memories as I have. When I think of NJ my heart gets filled up and a BIG smile is planted on my face.... And, it especially makes me think of my wonderful dad who no longer is with me. Those special memories help me keep him close and I know he would of loved what the license plate said. We were both always silly about things like that... Love you dad!

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