Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend!

I love May, days off, lounging in the pool, Tulips, my kiddos, hanging with my Caroline, and my family! I got to experience all of them yesterday.

Last weekend Caroline was not able to be at my birthday bash, so she came over to my mom's yesterday with the kiddos and we enjoyed a day of swimming in the pool. It is great to just hang out and be able to make new memories with the kids.

Hailey was so sweet and brought me two bouquets of Pink and Yellow Tulips. She must of known how much her Auntie Teffie loves them! My mom made her classic BBQ chicken and ribs and we all had a great dinner. It was so much fun to reminisce with Mike and Caroline and just have a relaxing day! Thanks for all the fun...

Today, is my actual birthday and I am hanging out at home with my boys and then looking forward to a night out with my man!

Spa Day...

I love a spa day.... There is nothing better than spending the morning getting a massage and then the afternoon by the pool. Lisa, Shanti and I went last weekend to the Aji Spa (a birthday present from my sister) and enjoyed a very relaxing day. Thanks for a fun day girls! Can't wait to do it again...

Happy 36th Birthday Party...

Last weekend my mom, Lisa and my friend Shanti put together a great birthday party for me. If you remember, a year ago I was in the hospital with Jayden on my birthday because he was geting his Appendix out. So, it was really nice to have a re-do of a birthday party that was planned last year but had to be cancelled.

A night with girlfriends is the best! I am so lucky to have such great women in my life. I love chatting with everyone, eating good food and making new memories.

Thanks again girls for a great night!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Tawny's Wedding

Tonight Mike and I went to my friend Tawny's wedding. I have worked with Tawny at the bank for three years and it was so nice to be a part of her and Logan's special day!

Tawny has such a great style and her wedding reflected that. Her mom Sandy and sister Jenna did everything for the wedding. Sandy is a great wedding catererand we got to see all of that last night. The food was a Mexican theme and some fun extras were a candy and ice cream bar.

Best of luck to the two of you and have a great time in Mexico on your Honeymoon!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Jordy and my friend Jeannine's baby Claire. Jordy is in love with babies. He tells me, "Mama, I want one".

Look at this tush.... So, darn cute...

Jordy had to have his picture taken when I was taking Jayden's on the last day of school. He has to do everything like his brother...

I know I just posted about Jayden completing his first year of Kindergarten and I did not even mention that Mr. Jordy just completed his "2's" class. That is a milestone also, right??? First time away from mommy and daddy, first time meeting new friends (other than our neighbors), and first time biting others... Oh yeah, did I mention all the sweetness (most of the time) was given to Jayden and Jordy is my naughty little one. One minute he is sweet as pie and the next he is punching his big brother in the nose....

I can't believe in less than two months we will be celebrating Jordy's third birthday. This little guy is such a love most of the time and really loves his mommy. Today he grabbed me and said, "I love mommy".. I don't think he thought I heard him because on the top of his lungs (in Sprouts) he yelled it again.... I LOVE that little face even if he jumps in my bed at 5:30 in the morning and asks for the Wiggles...

Kindergarten Comes To A Close...

Tuesday was Jayden's last day of Kindergarten. I can't believe his first "real" year of school is over and in twelve short weeks he will start first grade. Can that really be possible??? Jayden has grown up so much and is becoming such a great little student. He loves to sit down and do his homework (we will see how long that lasts).

I really wanted one of those memorable pictures with his Kindergarten teacher to have for the scrap book. But, of course in Jayden fashion, I got instead the shy kid pose that looks like he never met the lady before in his life!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Jayden's Choir Concert

On Thursday night, Jayden had his last Choir Concert of the year. It was awesome! Not only did Jayden sing on the top of his lungs, he also sang songs from one of my new favorite shows, Glee and to make the night even better, to my surprise they busted out "It's My Life", by Bon Jovi. This Jersey gal was so excited to see her little man on stage belting out Bon Jovi! Jayden looked over at me when the music started, with an expression like, "Hey mom, it's your favorite".... It was priceless.

Jayden has come such a long way from the shy kid that would stand on stage and not move, to a big kid keeping up with everyone else.

Here are a few pictures from Jayden's Choir Concert. The little boy in the picture hugging Jayden is Joshua. Jayden and Josh are such great friends just like their mommies.

Random Stuff...

The last few weeks have been really busy. We are wrapping up Jayden's Kindergarten year and trying to get all of our summer plans finalized. Jayden has grown so much and ended his first year of school with a great report card. He is reading and loves math! We are SO proud of him! Jordy also completed his first pre-school class (2's), which he goes part-time at the JCC where Jayden has been since he was two. Jordan's vocabulary has grown tremendously as well learning his ABC's and he can count up to 10.

Below are some random pictures of some fun we have had over the last month. The first picture is a really cute one. Jayden loves when his Tee-Tee sleeps over, and especially likes when Tee-Tee let's him sleep on the couch with him. He thinks it is the coolest thing to do. Usually, on the weekends I will let him do that with her. I could not resist this adorable pose of the two of them.

Next is a shot of Lisa, Brittany and myself at my mom's for Mother's Day. As well as one of Mikey and Jordy. That little man of mine loves to eat so he was digging into chips with some dip. Everyone was so excited to be in the pool that I did not get very many photos that day.

A few others hanging out at our park with Tee-Tee and one of the boys and I eating at a resutarnt while everyone was behaving.....

PJ's + Boys = Double Cuteness

I never seem to get enough pictures of the J & J boys together. The other morning they were being really adorable, so I thought I would grab a picture. Minutes later they were back to the "normal" behavior of being brothers...On Sunday, Jordy walked up to Jayden and for no reason socked his brother in the nose and gave him a bloody nose. I don't know what I am going to do with that kid.... This shall pass, right?