Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Summer Colds, Sunshine and Lifetime Fitness...

Well as I mentioned in my previous post, summer is here.... I think I forget every year how the heat starts and hits you like a ton of bricks. I got home from work the other day and couldn't wait to get my Chase attire off and put on my thinnest sun dress I have. I literally fell on to my bed and laid under the fan until I had not more than a minute to spare to pick up the boys from camp. Every day I remind J & J to drink water and then their smart Momma forgets to drink hers.... Well I paid the price that afternoon as I felt sick all day.

We have been staying busy this summer with camp, play dates and swimming. Jordy started with a runny nose and I told him he had a "Summer cold" and he looked at me like I was talking another language, it was pretty cute. "He said, what's that, Momma". I remember being a kid in New Jersey and getting a cold that didn't last long, but my Mom always told me it was from going in and out of the air conditioning. I guess it's one of those childhood stories I remember. As quick as Jordy got his "Summer cold" it was gone. I am SO grateful that we are four months past his Tonsillectomy and the surgery seems to have been a great decision.

After six years of being in our house I am finally wishing we had a pool in our backyard. It was really great when J & J were little and I didn't have to worry about the backyard, but now the thought of opening my back door to my own backyard paradise sounds very appealing. So, one day last week after I picked J&J up from camp I had enough of sweating and decided it was time to renew our Lifetime Fitness membership. It's been great and the boys love it. Jayden goes up and down the slide over and over and Jordy loves that he can play in the zero depth entrance that they have. Any friends out there want to join us at the pool????

That's the latest over here. Will be back with pictures soon. Looking forward to a fun Fourth of July weekend filled with BBQ's, friends and lots of yummy foods. Maybe I will post a few recipes that I am making this weekend....

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