Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgving 2012 and More...

It has been a wonderful week at The Callison's. I took a very NEEDED five days off of work and Mike is on vacation as well. We had a wonderful Thanksgving at my house and the rest of the time has been spent lounging around. Oh, wait did I forget the main attration - Black Friday!!!!! This year Shanti decided to join the crazieness and she went with Mike and I at 10pm and lasted till about 2AM. Mike and I decided we needed more so we went back out till 4AM. This year was harder since we didn't have a main item for Jordy, so we got small stuff for Hanuakkah for each of them.

                          Shanti and I waiting in front of Old Navy at midnight!
                                         Lisa with her stalk of Brussel Sprouts!
                                                Jayden FINALLY lost a top tooth...

                                                  Inside-Out Caramel Apples....

                                     A new Sweet Potato Pie recipe... Yummo!

                                 Brussel Sprouts with Pancetta and Balsamic Reduction...

                                We celebrated Nana's birthday at Charleston's!

Halloween 2012

It's been a crazy few months around here. My job is still insane and I'm working crazy hours. I am trying to keep it all in perspective but some days the JOB is really tough. Mike is doing an AMAZING job as Mr. Mom when I'm not around and we couldn't do the schedule that we do if I didn't have his help and support. I love you baby! I'm hoping my bonus in February will make it all worth it. We had our annual Hallowwen Party this year and everyone had a great time. It's so fun to look back each year at the pictures and see how much J & J have grown. I love our neighborhood and the memories that we make each year.




Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Fall Break and More....

Hello! October is here and the tempetures are cooling in Arizona. This is the time of year that we wait for all year long. Some parts of the country wait for Winter to end, in the Sothwest we wait for Summer to end.

Life has been busy but this week we are taking a well deserved break. J & J are on Fall break and I am on vacation for the week as well. My new position at the bank has been very stressful, so I am so happy to have some down time with the family.

Mike finally had surgery on his veins in his legs last week. The surgery was very overdue for Mikey. We think all the years Mikey stood on his feet in the grocery buisness are to blame for these veins that have been aching him in his legs. Hopefully, the surgery will give him the relief that he needed.

The boys and I are enjoying a fun week off together. Mike could not get the week off so he is joining us when he can. We went bowling with our friend Joshua on Monday, Jayden had a fun sleepover with his friend Tyler yesterday and today we are thinking how we should spend the day. We are looking forward to our annual Pumpkim picking day as well as getting our family pictures done in a few weeks.

Stay tuned, more to come....

Tee-Tee bought J & J new paints

Fun times in October- We got Booed

Bowling with Friends

Jordy is getting SO big!

Mikey right after surgery


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

It's Birthday Time...

If you know me well you know I like love my birthday. So, the thought of being laid up on my back with the Flu and Bronchitis on my birthday would be pretty bad awful for me and that is exactly what happened this year. Let me back up a week and explain. We went to Flagstaff with J-crew on Memorial Day and had an amazing time, but unfortunately four days in a cabin with three families and to many kids left my family with too many GERMs...... When we got home from Flagstaff my poor family started dropping like flies. It started with Mike, then me, and finally made its way to Jayden. So, on my most favorite day I was sick in bed. My birthday and birthday weekend was filled with temperature, coughing, aches, and the full on flu. After a week of all of us being sick, I was finally able to celebrate with my girlie's.

I am so lucky to have such great friends in my life. I count on my girlfriends a lot and I know that they are always there for me. It is so wonderful to be able to share good times together. We all are busy but it was so wonderful to put the "mommy hat" on the shelf and go out and have a good time. It wouldn't be a celebration without some Sushi and Saki, so that is exactly what we did.

Hello 38.........

Memorial Day / Flagstaff 2012

This year we planned a J-crew weekend in Flagstaff for Memorial Day. Half of the group stayed at Michelle's parents cabin and the rest stayed at J9's parents. We arrived on Friday and stayed until Monday afternoon. It was so nice to be away and enjoy some cooler weather now that the summer temps have arrived in Phoenix. The kidds absolutely loved being at the cabin and enjoyed all the amenities. the backyard was filled with fun kids stuff. There was a tire swing, horseshoes, as well as Wii in the house. We cooked, watched movies, went on walks and enjoyed some great family time with our friends. We can't wait to escape to the cabin again....