Thursday, February 18, 2010

Mondays & Fridays...

My two craziest days of the week are M & F's because those are now my long days at work. The old days of being off at 1:30 and working four days are long gone now. They left when WAMu vanished and became Chase. So, this past Monday, Mike said without any asking that he would make dinner. I gladly said okay and came home to this wonderful Chicken Sitr Fry. (Sorry the pictures are dark, I took five and these two were the best).

He always whips up these awesome dinners and amazes me. I know that if Mike's schedule permitted I would have a helper in the kitchen with me. Not only did he make the stir fry, he was brave enough to take out our Rice Cooker that he has never used. I am like, "how did you know what to do", he says, I called Caroline and she told me. I was very impressed again. And, I have to tell you the last two times I have used this new rice cooker my rice came out mushy.... Not his, perfect!
Thanks babe, for making my long works days a little easier. I love you!

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