Monday, July 12, 2010

July 4th 2010..........

We had a great July 4th this year as we celebrated at Caroline and John's house. Their fabulous pool was done, so we all hung out there for the day and then watched fireworks right from the backyard. No traffic or anyone in our way, so it was perfect!

My Mom and Tom joined us for a little while in the afternoon and then Lisa spent the evening with us, so we still were able to see everyone. J & J had a great day and both of them really enjoyed the fireworks. We ended the evening making Smores around the firepit and then we called it a night. I don't think I was even around the corner before J & J were asleep. Thanks for a great time Caroline and John! It's so nice to have you all close by...

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys had a fun and enjoyable 4th :) enjoy your vaca!!
