Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Girls Weekend For Caroline's Birthday...

This past weekend I escaped to celebrate Caroline's 39th birthday. We went to the W in Scottsdale and "tried" to party like we were 21 again.... ;) Let me tell you - it aint' easy to stay up till 3am and party like a rock star.....

It was a group of ten girls that got together to celebrate and have fun. We laughed hard, drank and danced until what felt like the morning and then I enjoyed coming home to my family. I got to see the local club scene and can't say I miss that time in my life at all. We had so much fun, but I am so glad I am married with a wonderful husband and two kiddos.

Looking forward to celebrating many more birthdays with my bestie and next year will be the BIG 40 for both of us!!!!!

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