Saturday, August 10, 2013

Twenty Years and a Promotion......

Wow! Twenty years? Can it be?  I started at Home Federal Bank in 1993 as an eighteen year old thinking this was just going to be a little part-time job. It sure turned out to be much, much more and quite the awesome ride.

As I look back now on twenty years with Chase I think about all the wonderful mentors and friends I have met along the way. Friendships that have grown to mean so much to me and mentors that taught me to become the business women I am today.

I am very excited on this twenty year anniversary to embark on my next chapter with Chase. I recently was accepted into the Brank Manager trainee program and beat out twelve other candidates. And, yes it felt damn good! I have been ready to take this step for a long time, but had to get back into the grind after taking a backseat for the past eight years while my babies were little. I am so excited for what this promotion will potentially mean for our family, and I am so lucky to have the amazing support of Mike. He encourages me to challenge myself and always pushes me to the next level.

Wish me luck!!!!

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