Monday, July 27, 2009

Jordy's Ice Cream Shoppe Birthday Party!

We just celebrated Jordy's 2nd birthday with an Ice Cream Shoppe Party. There is nothing more fun than ice cream, toppings of all kinds, and twenty little ones running around your house enjoying themselves. If you know me well, you know I am a "little" obsessive when it comes to my house, so you won't be surprised when I tell you I gave the munchkins one rule before they ate their ice cream.. Stay on the tile, no eating ice cream on the carpet. They actually all listened and the party was a BIG hit!

My friend Kim has a great blog, The TomKat Studio and she helped me with some of the party creations. She made adorable cupcake toppers (see some of her designs below), and favor tags that matched our adorable theme. If your planning a birthday party, baby shower, or need invites for any special occasion make sure to check out TheTomKat Studio! Jordy shares a July birthday with his girlfriend Brinkley, who is my good friend Taryn's daughter. So for the second year in a row Taryn and I decided to have a joint party and it was a huge success!

Below are some pictures from our fun, birthday afternoon!

Jordy enjoying his first bite of his cake filled ice cream cone.

Jayden and Briar digging into their Ice Cream sundaes....
Trying to get a family shot with everyone looking a different way...
Party tables ready for the little ones....
Cake ice cream cones with adorable cake toppers...

Ice cream cone favors....

Nana and Jordy....

Tee-Tee and Jordy...
Mommy and Jordy...
Jayden loving his little brother....

PS. I am keeping my fingers crossed, but the third round of antibiotics made Jayden a whole new kid. His energy is coming back and he is actually hungry. I am so glad to see my little man feeling better. Now we have two weeks to prepare for our BIG first day of Kindergarten. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sick, Sick, and Still Sick

We have had quite the few weeks at the Callison house, again! My poor Jayden has been through the ringer with being sick and just can't seem to shake it. I am hoping that he is not following in the footsteps of his mommy and shares her Tonsil issues. For me, I finally had them taken out when I was Eighteen due to repetitive Strep and Tonsillitis. Now Jayden is on his third round of meds to try and clear Strep. I am hoping this round will clear him up and he will be back to his fun summer schedule. Unfortunately, these days we are watching a lot of shows, vegging on the couch, and most importantly trying to keep Jayden away from Jordy. You know that Jordy of mine likes to catch anything that the wind blows by.

We have to get Jayden up to speed, because in three weeks my baby starts Kindergarten. We are very excited because Jayden will be staying at the JCC this year. He is very excited to be with his friends Joshua and Jordan. I can't believe that we are about to start this new chapter. Stay posted, many pictures to follow on that special day!

Anyone have suggestions to help boost my little boys immune system???

Monday, July 13, 2009

Heartache for a Chandler Family

Last week I was introduced to a sweet little girl named Kate. I became familiar with Kate's story because my friend Kim blogged about her on her site, ( Kate is a 5 year old who lives with her family here in Chandler, and two weeks ago was diagnosed with a very aggressive brain tumor. She had surgery last week at Phoenix Children's Hospital and the doctors are currently getting a treatment plan ready for Kate.

Her mom Holly set up a web-site ( and is detailing every step while Kate and their family go through this very difficult journey. Holly talks about how just two weeks ago Kate was playing, swimming, laughing and enjoying life like any five year old should be. And now, in a blink of an eye their future has been changed forever. I can't imagine how her heart is breaking for her little girl. I know how difficult it was for Mike and I when Jayden was in the hospital and he thankfully had a very routine(Appendectomy) surgery.

I am amazed by the faith and strength this family has. Take a moment to hold your little ones a little tighter today, I know I am!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Jordy turns two!

Two years ago today my precious Jordy was born. Jordy has brought so much laughter and joy to our home. He is such a sweet, tender little boy. He loves his big brother Jayden so much and especially loves his buddy Kona! Jordy now weighs 25 pounds and LOVES to eat. His favorite words are "Momma", "more", and "eat". His favorites are, bananas, chicken nuggets, yogurt, ranch dressing (thanks dad!) and bagels with cream cheese. He can only sleep if he has his Boo bear and blue blankey. Jordy loves to listen to the Wiggles and Yo Gabba Gabba. He loves to be outside and play with his friend Brinkley.

Mommy, Daddy, and Jayden love you! Happy 2nd birthday Jordy!!!!

Jordan Cade Callison - 7/9/07

Jordy Five Months Old

Jordy Ten Months Old

Jordy and Mommy at his 4th of July 1st Birthday party!

Jordy almost two at Legoland (June 09)

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Wicked and Belated Birthday

I have been looking forward to today for quite some time, since my mom suprised me and bought tickets to go see Wicked for my birthday. I absolutely LOVE Broadway shows. I was lucky enough as a child to get to see quite a few shows and it was something that was always a treat whenever I got to go. My dad would always buy the Soundtrack before the show, so we would have it to listen to on the ride home. Such wonderful memories.... I wish I would of kept a book over the years of all the shows I have been too.

After my mom, Lisa and I enjoyed the show together, we went out for my favorite food, sushi. A friend recommended this great place in Chandler (Kyrene & Ray), Mido Sushi. They have All You Can Eat sushi ($19.95), and if you love it as much as I do, I think you would get your monies worth. They even include, soup, salad, and Edamame. Thanks Mom and Lisa for a great belated birthday out together. It was really nice to enjoy a meal without anyone screaming. Oh, and thanks babe for holding down the fort today while I went out and played. Love you!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy July 4th!

I hope everyone is enjoying a day off with family and friends. The boys and I headed over to my mom's this morning for some swimming and fun, since Mike was out shooting a wedding with Jeff. Then we had dinner with our friends The Bills (Jeff's other half) and now Jayden and I are going to go watch the fireworks together (if he can stay up, he is fading away). He better stay up, he is my date tonight...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

My Sweet Boys!

One of my favorite things is to watch J & J sleeping. They always look so peaceful and no matter what age they are they still look like babies to me. Jayden loves to fall asleep on the couch and recently Jordy caught on and is doing the same thing. One night last week after reading, brushing their teeth and watching our last show for the evening I walked away and came back to this.... Two sweet little boys peacefully sleeping Sweet dreams!

Newport Beach 2009

Now that the bags are unpacked(we pack lightly as you can see to the right!) and the laundry is finally done, I thought I should post about our fabulous family vacation to Newport Beach and San Diego. We shared the week with our great friends, The Bill's. It was so wonderful to be back in California for a week. We usually get back to SD at least once a year, but with the crazy year we have had it did not happen this past year.

We stayed right on the PCH at the Newport Dunes. It is a great resort mixed with cottages and RV sites. It is a perfect place for the little ones, with a kiddy area on the bay, pools, play areas and much more. Everyone had a great time! One of the highlights that I was most excited about was the surprise that Mike and I had for Jadyen. After Jayden's ordeal last month with his Appendectomy, we thought it would be fun to take him to Legoland, since he is addicted to his Legos. If you know me well, you know I can't keep a surprise worth anything, and actually hate surprises myself. But was so excited that I was able to keep this one until we got into the parking lot at Legoland. Jayden was ecstatic and we had a wonderful day. Mike's dad and stepmom joined us for the day as well so that was very special.

We ended our week with a stop at the Del Mar Fair with our great family friend Nicole. Nicole was so sweet and came out to Phoenix for my birthday weekend, but due to Jayden being in the hospital she cut it short and went home early. So, it was so nice to spend some quality time with her. I always know I am going to get some good laughs in when we are together. It was great to see you Nik!

We can't to make some more memories next year and go back to the Newport Dunes!!!! What a blast it was...

Our view from the cottage

Nik & Stef at the Del Mar Fair

Jordy at Legoland

Jayden's expression right after he found out we were at Legoland

Mike and Linda at Legoland with us

Jayden and his buddy Briar

Daddy & his boys

Mommy & Jayden