Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sick, Sick, and Still Sick

We have had quite the few weeks at the Callison house, again! My poor Jayden has been through the ringer with being sick and just can't seem to shake it. I am hoping that he is not following in the footsteps of his mommy and shares her Tonsil issues. For me, I finally had them taken out when I was Eighteen due to repetitive Strep and Tonsillitis. Now Jayden is on his third round of meds to try and clear Strep. I am hoping this round will clear him up and he will be back to his fun summer schedule. Unfortunately, these days we are watching a lot of shows, vegging on the couch, and most importantly trying to keep Jayden away from Jordy. You know that Jordy of mine likes to catch anything that the wind blows by.

We have to get Jayden up to speed, because in three weeks my baby starts Kindergarten. We are very excited because Jayden will be staying at the JCC this year. He is very excited to be with his friends Joshua and Jordan. I can't believe that we are about to start this new chapter. Stay posted, many pictures to follow on that special day!

Anyone have suggestions to help boost my little boys immune system???


  1. Jayden is starting kindergarten?! Holy cow, I cant believe it!

    Hope you guys get to feeling better soon :)

  2. Sorry to hear that Jayden has been sick. You guys need to stop that! I'd try a good yogurt, or Kefir. Kefir is really yummy, like a more tart yogurt smoothie, but has tons of health benefits. Especially with all those antibiotics, his body could use some live and active cultures! :)
    Worth a try?
    Can't wait to play!
