Thursday, July 2, 2009

Newport Beach 2009

Now that the bags are unpacked(we pack lightly as you can see to the right!) and the laundry is finally done, I thought I should post about our fabulous family vacation to Newport Beach and San Diego. We shared the week with our great friends, The Bill's. It was so wonderful to be back in California for a week. We usually get back to SD at least once a year, but with the crazy year we have had it did not happen this past year.

We stayed right on the PCH at the Newport Dunes. It is a great resort mixed with cottages and RV sites. It is a perfect place for the little ones, with a kiddy area on the bay, pools, play areas and much more. Everyone had a great time! One of the highlights that I was most excited about was the surprise that Mike and I had for Jadyen. After Jayden's ordeal last month with his Appendectomy, we thought it would be fun to take him to Legoland, since he is addicted to his Legos. If you know me well, you know I can't keep a surprise worth anything, and actually hate surprises myself. But was so excited that I was able to keep this one until we got into the parking lot at Legoland. Jayden was ecstatic and we had a wonderful day. Mike's dad and stepmom joined us for the day as well so that was very special.

We ended our week with a stop at the Del Mar Fair with our great family friend Nicole. Nicole was so sweet and came out to Phoenix for my birthday weekend, but due to Jayden being in the hospital she cut it short and went home early. So, it was so nice to spend some quality time with her. I always know I am going to get some good laughs in when we are together. It was great to see you Nik!

We can't to make some more memories next year and go back to the Newport Dunes!!!! What a blast it was...

Our view from the cottage

Nik & Stef at the Del Mar Fair

Jordy at Legoland

Jayden's expression right after he found out we were at Legoland

Mike and Linda at Legoland with us

Jayden and his buddy Briar

Daddy & his boys

Mommy & Jayden


  1. Im jealous! Looks like you guys had a good time.

  2. We did! It was so fun to be on the beach and relax and have fun with the boys...

  3. CUTEEEE pictures, and now I can actually see the pictures haha :)

    Looks like you guys had a blast, and yes you do look Tan esp in the last picture! I will be there in 2 weeks, i cant wait. Your pictures are getting me anxious to go and get out of this weather!!!
