Wednesday, August 18, 2010

De Ja Vue...

Oh, there are so many titles I could of gave this post. Like, the boot again, are you kidding me, is this all a nightmare??? What can I say, the boot is back, and my foot feels so good tonight! All the pressure is off of my heel and foot and it's amazing not to feel the constant pain.

So, let me go back a few months,(well, probably more like six).I started noticing that my heel was hurting me. It was very gradual, but I chalked it up to all the stylish (cheaper) shoes that I wear to work and maybe even how much I stand on my feet. As time went on, I noticed that when I woke up in the morning my feet throbbed and even laying in bed they would also hurt. Which I could not understand. I would tell Mike about it and he would tell me to go to the doctors and I probably just needed a cortisone shot, but the thought of that kept me from calling. I'm thirty-six years old, had two c-sections and still HATE shots... Go figure... More time passed when I started noticing the pain all the time. This past Monday I was sitting at my desk at work and my foot was killing me. I could not understand what could be wrong, I'm sitting, how could something hurt so bad. Could I have re-injured my fracture from four years ago??? What is this???

So, finally on Monday as I was sitting in pain at my desk I decided to call Dr. Beecroft and see what he thought. As I drove to the doctors office today, I was psyching myself up for him to tell me I just needed a shot and that would be the end of it. Umm, no that was not what was going to happen at all.... I started to explain my symptoms and before I knew it, all I could hear was this long diagnosis, and had no idea what he was saying... What he did say was that I have Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome. It is compression neuropathy and a painful foot condition in which the tibial nerve is impinged and compressed as it travels through the tarsal tunnel..... What the heck is that? How did I get that? Why did I wait so long to come see him? AND, what do I need to do to fix this???

This is one part of what I need to do for two weeks!

Ugh! Well, let's look on the bright side. I can drive (as I don't have to wear it 100% of the time), and as of right now it's only for two weeks. Now comes the bad news, if the swelling does not go down and being in the boot for two weeks does not help, surgery could be a possibility. No, that can't happen so the boot has to work.

I have actually learned quite the lesson from this experience. Moms out there... Don't put yourselves on the back burner, go to the doctors and take care of what hurts. If this would of been J & J, I would of had them at the doctors right away, but yet I didn't take the time I needed to make sure I was okay...

This is just another little bump in the road, but if I would of gone months ago when it started maybe it would not be as bad as it is. I think I am going to have a glass of wine now, I think I have earned it today!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Great Friends.....

There are two things that are really important to me, family and friends. I have been through some very difficult times over the past five years and I am not sure I would of been able to get through them whithout those special people in my life. I am very blessed to have friends in different circles, but the J-Crew is a very special group of people. We named ourselves the J-Crew, because we all met while our children were at the JCC. A few of us started way back when Jayden was two and a few others joined a year later.

At first, the kiddos brought us together, but as time went on the mom's started meeting for coffee, going on field trips together and before we knew it friendships were blossomings. As time evolved, we decided our hubbies would all enjoy each other as well, so we started our monthly "J-Crew" get together's. The dinners consisted of rotating at each other's homes, but some months we would take a break and try a new restuarant. Before long we all became such great friends, the guys play their weekly Wei Touraments, the girls gather for our movies nights and last year we started our Annual Labor Day Celebration.

As last year approached and all the kiddos were starting Kindergarten we were a bit worried that a little bit of distance would make it harder for us all to stay in touch, but it didn't. Some of the kiddos play sports together, others share playdates, and we all get together as families to have fun at least monthly. This past weekend while the guys played Golf,(yes, in the 110 AZ heat), the girls got the afternoon started with the kiddos. After the guys came home we had an awesome Mexican Themed Dinner. It was a great night!

You know me, I am always snapping pictures and I thought the one of the kiddos was so great (and I had to add one of the adults too)! These five sweet kids have been together since they are two and they are now the "Mini J-Crew"...

I can't wait for our 2nd Annual Labor Day Celebration and I am so happy that each of you are a part of our life!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Jayden's 1st Day Of Islands.... Let's Go Dolphins!

Today my baby started First grade and he did such an amazing job! I was so impressed at how confident he was and how "ready" he was to start his new school. Many of you know how shy and reserved Jayden usually is, but not today. He woke up ready to go and with no hesitations (unlike Mommy) about starting 1st grade. We all walked to the bus stop (including Nana) and before I knew it my baby skipped onto the bus and away he went. I can't even begin to say how proud I am of my Jayden. Way to go!

I waited all day for 3:45 to arrive, so I could pick him up at the bus stop. Did I mention I waited in the 110 degrees Arizona heat. That part was horrible, but it was all worth it when Jayden got off the bus with more smiles. He said he had a great day and made a friend to eat lunch with.

Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you Jayden!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Baseball & The Wiggles....

I never thought I would have another little boy that LOVED the Wiggles as much as Jayden did. But, then came Jordy and boy does he LOVE his Wiggles. He asks if he can visit them in Australia, he wants a Red guitar like "Murny" and he "thinks" he is the only fan that they have. So, when Mike heard the Wiggles would be performing after a Diamondbacks game, you got it, I got on-line right away and we bought tickets. Did I mention that this was going to be our third time seeing them and I could of done without it? Oh, and did I also mention that in order to be up close I bought $50.00 tickets. We had a stay cation this summer instead of going away, so that is how I justified the tickets, but I would of rather gone away.....

So, last weekend we caravaned down to Chase Field with Caroline and her kids and saw the baseball game and The Wiggles. I don't even think I can fully describe to you how excited Jordy was when he realized they were actually on stage in front of him. He was mesmerized by them and had an absolutely great time! After the concert, we walked back to the car in the 110 Arizona heat and Mike went to put Jordy in the car and he started running away. When Mike grabbed him, he started crying and said, "I want to find Murny's bus"? It was SO sad and it literally took the whole ride home for him to calm down. Overall, we all had a great day at the ballpark.

Birthday Parties, Magic Shows and Tee-Tee...

As you know by now, I like to save many posts and Blog all at once, so instead of doing fifty posts I thought I would condense a few.

A few weeks ago we had two great birthday parties. One for for my girlfriend Shanti's son, Joshua. He is one of Jayden's best buddies and he turned six. We celebrated over at the their house with a pool party. It was a great afternoon filled with food, friends and lots of fun!

Then that evening I co-hosted a birthday party for my BFF Caroline. I don't like to make things simple for myself (I had to work that day), and since I was in charge of doing all the appetizers I was up at 5AM preparing everything. Even with my crazy day it all came together really nicely. I just wish I would of taken a picture of all the food, it looked great!

Caroline catered the dinner from Western Meats in Mesa and it was so yummy. They did a Mexican Themed dinner and everyone loved everything. We ended the night with a delicious cake from AJ's and a fabulous Dessert table from Kari (the other co-host). The Margarita's kept coming and the music was playing until late in the evening. Happy birthday, my dear "old" BFF! Love you!

Below are two last pictures that I had to fit in. Jayden has been into having Magic Shows, and the other night he told Lisa and I to sit on the couch because he and Jordy were going to perform for us. Umm, I think he is just like his mommy when she was young and always wanted to perform. :) So, Lisa and I found our spots on the couch and waited to see what they were going to do, and below is the end result.... What a show it was. They are too funny!

Last, is a cute picture of Jordy with "his" Tee-Tee. Lisa has been asking me to come to the Chase Tower to have lunch with her, so on my day off last week Jordy and I headed dowtown to have lunch with her. He thought it was so cool to be in Tee-Tee's office and it even got better when she put the Wiggles on the computer for him...

Auntie Nicole Comes For A Visit....

Mike and I have a dear friend who lives in San Diego and is like family to us. It has always been a joke between all of us, because I went to High School with Nicole but really didn't know her, but Mike worked with her for many years at Ralphs and that is how I actually got to be great friends with her. She was in our wedding, always a part of our family gatherings and is also Auntie to J & J. So, whenever we get a visit from Nicole the boys get excited and it is always a weekend full of laughter and fun.

Jayden was very excited to take "Auntie Nik" to Amazing Jake's and that is where we spent the majority of the day a few weeks ago. Nicole is always great with J & J and does whatever they want and ran around Amazing Jake's with both of them.

It was a great weekend and we LOVE when you come to visit us! Come back soon Auntie Nik....

It's Been So Long.... Again!

Has it really been another month since I updated the Blog??? Life has been busy and tonight I finally decided to sit down and update a little on The Callison Family!

We are closing in on our last week of summer and on August 11th, my sweet Jayden starts First grade! There will definitely be many pictures from that day.

To start off with my Jordy turned three on July 9th and we celebrated in Wiggles fashion. In Phoenix, in July there are not many options for outside parties unless you are in the pool. So, that is exactly what we did. We celebrated with family and friends over at Nana's house and had a great time. I had a delicious cake made, homemade white chocolate lollipops in the Wiggles colors, and my girlfriend Kim from The Tomkat Studio added her expertise with the party decor. It was a great time and Jordy loved every minute of it.