So, let me go back a few months,(well, probably more like six).I started noticing that my heel was hurting me. It was very gradual, but I chalked it up to all the stylish (cheaper) shoes that I wear to work and maybe even how much I stand on my feet. As time went on, I noticed that when I woke up in the morning my feet throbbed and even laying in bed they would also hurt. Which I could not understand. I would tell Mike about it and he would tell me to go to the doctors and I probably just needed a cortisone shot, but the thought of that kept me from calling. I'm thirty-six years old, had two c-sections and still HATE shots... Go figure... More time passed when I started noticing the pain all the time. This past Monday I was sitting at my desk at work and my foot was killing me. I could not understand what could be wrong, I'm sitting, how could something hurt so bad. Could I have re-injured my fracture from four years ago??? What is this???
So, finally on Monday as I was sitting in pain at my desk I decided to call Dr. Beecroft and see what he thought. As I drove to the doctors office today, I was psyching myself up for him to tell me I just needed a shot and that would be the end of it. Umm, no that was not what was going to happen at all.... I started to explain my symptoms and before I knew it, all I could hear was this long diagnosis, and had no idea what he was saying... What he did say was that I have Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome. It is compression neuropathy and a painful foot condition in which the tibial nerve is impinged and compressed as it travels through the tarsal tunnel..... What the heck is that? How did I get that? Why did I wait so long to come see him? AND, what do I need to do to fix this???
This is one part of what I need to do for two weeks!
Ugh! Well, let's look on the bright side. I can drive (as I don't have to wear it 100% of the time), and as of right now it's only for two weeks. Now comes the bad news, if the swelling does not go down and being in the boot for two weeks does not help, surgery could be a possibility. No, that can't happen so the boot has to work.
I have actually learned quite the lesson from this experience. Moms out there... Don't put yourselves on the back burner, go to the doctors and take care of what hurts. If this would of been J & J, I would of had them at the doctors right away, but yet I didn't take the time I needed to make sure I was okay...
This is just another little bump in the road, but if I would of gone months ago when it started maybe it would not be as bad as it is. I think I am going to have a glass of wine now, I think I have earned it today!
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