Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Baseball & The Wiggles....

I never thought I would have another little boy that LOVED the Wiggles as much as Jayden did. But, then came Jordy and boy does he LOVE his Wiggles. He asks if he can visit them in Australia, he wants a Red guitar like "Murny" and he "thinks" he is the only fan that they have. So, when Mike heard the Wiggles would be performing after a Diamondbacks game, you got it, I got on-line right away and we bought tickets. Did I mention that this was going to be our third time seeing them and I could of done without it? Oh, and did I also mention that in order to be up close I bought $50.00 tickets. We had a stay cation this summer instead of going away, so that is how I justified the tickets, but I would of rather gone away.....

So, last weekend we caravaned down to Chase Field with Caroline and her kids and saw the baseball game and The Wiggles. I don't even think I can fully describe to you how excited Jordy was when he realized they were actually on stage in front of him. He was mesmerized by them and had an absolutely great time! After the concert, we walked back to the car in the 110 Arizona heat and Mike went to put Jordy in the car and he started running away. When Mike grabbed him, he started crying and said, "I want to find Murny's bus"? It was SO sad and it literally took the whole ride home for him to calm down. Overall, we all had a great day at the ballpark.

1 comment:

  1. They both look soo cute!
    one of jordys faces reminds me of braxton. Kids do the funniest smiles!!!

    Looks like you guys had a blast at the wiggles!!
