Friday, November 20, 2009

Jayden's Fall Music Concert

If anyone knew me when I was a little girl, I was the shyest little girl that was always attached to my mom's leg. Unfortunately, the apple does not fall far from the tree, and I got the exact same thing in my sweet Jayden. Jayden has been going to the same school now for the past four years and any type of performance is always such a struggle with him. He finds me in the audience, if he can, as I am usually hiding so he can' t spot me out. But he usually manages to find me. So, when I heard he was practicing for his Fall Concert I told myself don't expect anything different than always, and boy did this little man prove his Mommy and Daddy wrong.

Mr. Jayden stood on stage, in the front row and belted out four songs to the tunes of Michael Jackson. He moved his hips, enunciated every word, all while his adorable dimples shined and his bright blue eyes sparkled, and most of all he was having a great time. My little man is growing up and it makes me sad.... I love that little man so much. Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you Jayden, way to go!

Zoo Day - It's Fall In AZ

In the southwest you have to wait until November to enjoy the great outdoors. So, since we were overdue for a trip to the Phoenix Zoo, we packed the kiddos up and headed out for the afternoon. I am sorry to say this for any Arizonians that might be reading this, but when you come from San Diego their is NO comparison, but it was still a great day out.

We enjoyed the monkeys (Jordy's favorite), zebras, girafes, a camel ride, some sticky cotton candy and you can't leave the zoo without a ride on the carousel. It was a great day and I guess the fresh air did us all good, since everyone slept very well that night... We will have to go back again soon, since Zoo Lights is just around the corner. If you have not been you should check it out. It's a fun night!

Sweet Little Kate McRae...

Hello friends...

Some of you might remember me posting about a darling little girl who lives right here in Chandler, AZ. Her name is Kate Mcrae, and she is a precious five year old that is battling brain cancer. I first heard about Kate's story from my friend Kim at The TomKat Studio. Kates mom, Holly recently came up with the idea to start Kate's Crazy Cool Christmas Toy Drive! The toy drive is on it's way to being a huge success. They are asking for unwrapped toys, puzzles, stuffed animals, books, and anything else that you think a child would love during the holiday season. The Mcrae family is going to personally distribute all the gifts to the PICU and Oncology unit at Phoenix Children's Hospital on Christmas Day. How amazing, that during such a difficult time this family is trying to make the holidays better for other families while they are enduring so much of their own.
If anyone would like to donate to Kate's Crazy Cool Christmas Toy Drive, I am going to coordinate with Kim at The Tomkat Studio to get all the gifts to Cornerstone Christian Church in Chandler. This is where all the toys and gifts are being collected at.

A new website was just launched at, you can go there for more information in regards to the journey this family is on.. Kate has pulled on my heartstrings, and has made me hug and kiss the J & J boys tighter each night. I am so thankful for my boys and can't imagine the difficult road this family is on.

Halloween 09 - Just a little late...

It has been way too long since I have posted anything on my BLOG. I knew this was going to happen, I would think about posting often but never get around to doing it. Between all of us being sick, my new position at work, Halloween, my best friend living with me, and the craziness of the daily routine I have fallen way behind.....

We had another great Halloween over at the Callison's. This was the 4th year that we continued our tradition with a Halloween Pot luck. We get our neighbors together and bring out the Chicken Chili, homemade rolls, delicous salad and some yummy treats, and start the evening of festivities. It was especially great this year that Halloween fell on a Saturday, so no one had to rush to work the next morning.

The J & J boys were very excited about Halloween and being Super heros. Jayden was Spiderman and Jordy was Batman. Jordy got the knack of trick or treating very quickly as he followed his big brother around the neighborhood. He even asked to exchange a piece of candy that was given to him for some M & M's. Those are his favorites.

Enjoy some pictures from Halloween 09'.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Balloon Festival For Daddy and Jayden

Mike has been wanting to go to New Mexico for the last few years to see the Balloon Festival, but something always seems to come up and we never go. So, a few weeks ago Mike mentioned that he wanted to take Jayden on a drive to the Balloon Festival and spend some quality time together. So, they did!

It was actually a very strange weekend at home for me. I am used to Mike being gone or sleeping, but all weekend I kept feeling like I was missing something, it was my Jayden! They both had a great time together, from the car-ride, to getting up early and watching all the balloons go up. Mike enjoyed just having some one-on-one time with his little man.

I can't believe my Jayden is getting big enough to go away on weekend trips without his mommy! I guess Daddy did just fine..... I am glad you both had a great time together.....

Jordy Is Growing Up!

So, after many discussions Mike and I decided it was time for Jordy to start at the JCC part-time. For the past five years my wonderful husband has been Mr. Mom while I am at work so we would not have to put the J & J boys in daycare. Over the past few months as Jordy has become more "active", it has become harder and harder for Mike to manage our crazy schedule and try to function at night at Schwans.

It is amazing to me how different my two boys are. With Jayden it literally took six months of crying at drop-off before he actually liked Pre-school. Jordy on the other hand is a little timid but nothing like his brother. Jordy has been going for a month now and besides of course all of the "germies" (drives this anal mom, crazy...) at school, he is starting to acclimate and loves taking his backpack to school with Jayden. My baby is getting too big!

Girl Power...

It's has been a while since I posted, so I thought an event from this week would be the perfect opportunity to do so. I am in a Bunco group, but it's kind of funny because we never have enough girls to play, so it has actually turned into a girls night of eating, chatting and drinking some wine. Last month Bunco was at my house and we had some new additions to the Bunco group, so this week two of our new gals hosted and it was terrific! Kari, graciously volunteered her beautiful home without really even knowing anyone. Kari is participating in the 3 Day Breast Cancer Walk in November, so she and Caroline thought it would be fun to host Bunco with a "Pink Theme" and asked everyone to dress in their shades of pink.

The night turned out fabulous to say the least. A mild fall Arizona night, tables set with pink table clothes, while pink roses were beautifully displayed on each table, the fireplace burning and just a great group of gals. New and old friends all coming together for a great cause. Some inspiring stories and conversations were shared about how we all need to be advocates for ourselves and make sure as mom's we don't forget about those yearly appointments!

Thanks ladies for a great night, and to Kari and Caroline for hosting a wonderful "Bunco" night! Oh, and Kari you are quite the baker... Yummo! Looking forward to many more fun nights, and who knows maybe even a little Bunco sometime! Enjoy the photos!

Hostess's for the evening: Caroline & Kari

Friday, September 4, 2009

First Field Trip - Science Museum

This week Jayden had his first "big boy" field trip to the Science Museum. I was able to be a parent volunteer and share the day with him. I was a little concerned to be going because usually Jayden gets very clingy whenever I am around at his school, but to my surprise he has come out of his shell. Okay, maybe not all the time, but this particular day he was sure a big kid and we both had a great time enjoying a new place with his teacher and classmates. Jayden you are becoming such a BIG boy and mommy loves you!

Thursday, August 27, 2009


I have been thinking the last few days that I need to make a post. Then I was wondering what life event should I write about and the subject was myself! I don't usually think to write about myself, I use it more to journal about the boys, but I think this one deserves a post.

Since September 25, 2008, (I will never forget the date), when Chase bought my beloved Wamu, my job has been up in the air. It has been transition after transition with no defined answers along this very long journey. We were told we would all have jobs but I felt no guarantee. In February my old branch transitioned into the Chase branch and I have been hoping and praying that they would "love" me enough to have a position for me. I have been working more hours, learning as much as I can, but still not sure where this road would lead me. Two weeks ago, for the first time in this journey, I was told that some decisions had been made and they wanted to talk to me. The outcome was not in my favor. My current position is now obsolete and the position they offered me (that I wanted) had one downfall, it came with a huge pay cut. I left this meeting feeling saddened, and felt that my sixteen years of loyalty meant nothing.

Finally, on Monday I saw the silver lining in this very long journey. I was called into another meeting and told that since my position is obsolete, my Regional Manager found out that they cannot decrease my pay, so they would like to offer me the original position if I still wanted it. YEAH! So, not only do I get to continue working in the branch I am at, which is five minutes from my house I will also maintain my 30 hours per week.

Goodbye WaMu, hello Chase! ......... I will always be a Wamulian at heart...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Jayden's First Day Of Kindergarten ...

Jayden & Hailey together on the first day of Kindergarten

Jayden showing off his new Spiderman backpack...

Well, it finally happened, my baby grew up and went to his first day of Kindergarten. He was all ready with his new outfit, shoes, backpack, and lunchbox. I have to say he looked pretty sharp as he walked into the JCC to start his Kindergarten school year. He already asked me, how much longer do I have to go to school for, and I told him until he get's as big as Uncle Sean.... Not sure how long he thinks that is, but that will keep him thinking.

One of the best parts of Jayden's first day of Kindergarten was that he got to share it with his best friend Hailey. Hailey is Caroline's daughter and it just so happens, they are moving to Phoenix but while their house is being built they are staying with us. So, even though Jayden and Hailey are not going to the same school, they got to get ready together and were able to talk in person about their BIG first days.... I am so glad they will be able to live close to each other and have such wonderful memories to share together.
I will keep you all posted as the school year progress's... For now, I am going to try and relax for a little while before it all starts over again bright and early!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Jordy's Ice Cream Shoppe Birthday Party!

We just celebrated Jordy's 2nd birthday with an Ice Cream Shoppe Party. There is nothing more fun than ice cream, toppings of all kinds, and twenty little ones running around your house enjoying themselves. If you know me well, you know I am a "little" obsessive when it comes to my house, so you won't be surprised when I tell you I gave the munchkins one rule before they ate their ice cream.. Stay on the tile, no eating ice cream on the carpet. They actually all listened and the party was a BIG hit!

My friend Kim has a great blog, The TomKat Studio and she helped me with some of the party creations. She made adorable cupcake toppers (see some of her designs below), and favor tags that matched our adorable theme. If your planning a birthday party, baby shower, or need invites for any special occasion make sure to check out TheTomKat Studio! Jordy shares a July birthday with his girlfriend Brinkley, who is my good friend Taryn's daughter. So for the second year in a row Taryn and I decided to have a joint party and it was a huge success!

Below are some pictures from our fun, birthday afternoon!

Jordy enjoying his first bite of his cake filled ice cream cone.

Jayden and Briar digging into their Ice Cream sundaes....
Trying to get a family shot with everyone looking a different way...
Party tables ready for the little ones....
Cake ice cream cones with adorable cake toppers...

Ice cream cone favors....

Nana and Jordy....

Tee-Tee and Jordy...
Mommy and Jordy...
Jayden loving his little brother....

PS. I am keeping my fingers crossed, but the third round of antibiotics made Jayden a whole new kid. His energy is coming back and he is actually hungry. I am so glad to see my little man feeling better. Now we have two weeks to prepare for our BIG first day of Kindergarten. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sick, Sick, and Still Sick

We have had quite the few weeks at the Callison house, again! My poor Jayden has been through the ringer with being sick and just can't seem to shake it. I am hoping that he is not following in the footsteps of his mommy and shares her Tonsil issues. For me, I finally had them taken out when I was Eighteen due to repetitive Strep and Tonsillitis. Now Jayden is on his third round of meds to try and clear Strep. I am hoping this round will clear him up and he will be back to his fun summer schedule. Unfortunately, these days we are watching a lot of shows, vegging on the couch, and most importantly trying to keep Jayden away from Jordy. You know that Jordy of mine likes to catch anything that the wind blows by.

We have to get Jayden up to speed, because in three weeks my baby starts Kindergarten. We are very excited because Jayden will be staying at the JCC this year. He is very excited to be with his friends Joshua and Jordan. I can't believe that we are about to start this new chapter. Stay posted, many pictures to follow on that special day!

Anyone have suggestions to help boost my little boys immune system???

Monday, July 13, 2009

Heartache for a Chandler Family

Last week I was introduced to a sweet little girl named Kate. I became familiar with Kate's story because my friend Kim blogged about her on her site, ( Kate is a 5 year old who lives with her family here in Chandler, and two weeks ago was diagnosed with a very aggressive brain tumor. She had surgery last week at Phoenix Children's Hospital and the doctors are currently getting a treatment plan ready for Kate.

Her mom Holly set up a web-site ( and is detailing every step while Kate and their family go through this very difficult journey. Holly talks about how just two weeks ago Kate was playing, swimming, laughing and enjoying life like any five year old should be. And now, in a blink of an eye their future has been changed forever. I can't imagine how her heart is breaking for her little girl. I know how difficult it was for Mike and I when Jayden was in the hospital and he thankfully had a very routine(Appendectomy) surgery.

I am amazed by the faith and strength this family has. Take a moment to hold your little ones a little tighter today, I know I am!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Jordy turns two!

Two years ago today my precious Jordy was born. Jordy has brought so much laughter and joy to our home. He is such a sweet, tender little boy. He loves his big brother Jayden so much and especially loves his buddy Kona! Jordy now weighs 25 pounds and LOVES to eat. His favorite words are "Momma", "more", and "eat". His favorites are, bananas, chicken nuggets, yogurt, ranch dressing (thanks dad!) and bagels with cream cheese. He can only sleep if he has his Boo bear and blue blankey. Jordy loves to listen to the Wiggles and Yo Gabba Gabba. He loves to be outside and play with his friend Brinkley.

Mommy, Daddy, and Jayden love you! Happy 2nd birthday Jordy!!!!

Jordan Cade Callison - 7/9/07

Jordy Five Months Old

Jordy Ten Months Old

Jordy and Mommy at his 4th of July 1st Birthday party!

Jordy almost two at Legoland (June 09)